Европейская академия
естественных наук

Hannover E.V.


Yue TianxiangYue TianXiang

Current appointments


Professional experience

TianXiang Yue, as a professor, is working at Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is Department Director for Eco-Environmental Informatics of IGSNRR, Chair of Eco-Environmental Informatics at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professional Committee Director of Eco-Environmental Models of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Professional Committee Director of Ecological Models of the Ecological Society of China, and Professional Group Director of Geographical Computation and System Simulation of the Geographical Society of China.

Since 2000, he has innovatively developed the high accuracy and speed method (HASM) for surface modelling and HASM quantum machine learning algorithms to give solutions to error, multi-resolution, and slow-computational-speed problems which long troubled surface modelling. The surface here means a raster expression of a region or one of its eco-environmental properties. HASM has been successfully applied to simulating surfaces of elevation, soil properties, nature (including biodiversity and ecosystems), ecosystem services (including food provision and carbon stocks), and drivers of changes (including carbon dioxide concentrations, climate change, land use/cover change, and population distribution) as well as COVID-19 transmission dynamics. In all these applications, HASM produced more accurate results than the classical methods.

Since 2016, he tried to upgrade HASM from a methodological level to a philosophical level. A Fundamental Theorem for Earth’s Surface System Modelling (FTESM) was created by summarizing theoretical development of HASM and its applications. From FTESM, seven corollaries were deduced, corresponding to spatial interpolation, spatial upscaling, spatial downscaling, data fusion and model-data assimilation respectively. In 2020, a fundamental theorem for eco-environmental surface modelling (FTEEM) was proposed after FTESM.

Since 2022, he has been trying to develop a universal platform for hybrid classical-quantum computing. A reinforcement machine learning method of HASM was transformed into a large sparse linear system, in which the vectors of the linear system were replaced by quantum states, and combined with the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) quantum algorithm to support quantum machine learning. HASM-HHL quantum computing approach has a similar accuracy to classical HASM and can realize exponential acceleration over the classical algorithms.

He has published more than 300 papers and 10 books, and patented 10 inventions. He handled China’s national standard for Earth’s surface carbon verification. All the achievements have been combined into a textbook, Eco-Environmental Informatics. This textbook has been used for education of both international and Chinese graduate students.



Major Research Projects

Selected Papers in English

  1. TianXiang Yue, ChenChen Wu, Yi Liu, ZhengPing Du, Na Zhao, YiMeng Jiao, ZheXu, WenJiao Shi. 2023. HASM quantum machine learning. Science China-Earth Sciences 66(9), 1937 - 1945.
  2. TianXiang Yue, Yi Liu, ZhengPing Du, John Wilson, DongYi Zhao, Yu Wang, Na Zhao, WenJiao Shi, ZeMeng Fan, XiaoMin Zhao, Qing Zhang, HongSheng Huang, QingYuan Wu, Wei Zhou, YiMen Jiao, Zhe Xu, SaiBo Li, Yang Yang, BoJie Fu. 2022. Quantum machine learning of eco-environmental surfaces. Science Bulletin 67, 1031-1033.
  3. TianXiang Yue, Bin Fan, YaPeng Zhao, John Wilson, Qing Wang, XiaoZhe Yin, XiaoNan Duan, ZhenPing Du, Na Zhao, ZeMeng Fan, Hui Lin, ChengHu Zhou. 2021. Dynamics of the COVID-19 basic reproduction numbers in different countries. Science Bulletin 66: 229–232.
  4. TianXiang Yue, ZeMeng Fan, Bin Fan, ZhengPing Du, John P. Wilson, XiaoZhe Yin, Na Zhao, YingAn Wang, ChengHu Zhou. 2020. A new approach to modelling the fade-out threshold of Coronavirus disease. Science Bulletin 65: 1225–1227.
  5. TianXiang Yue, Na Zhao, Yu Liu, YiFu Wang, Bin Zhang, ZhengPing Du, ZeMeng Fan, WenJiao Shi, ChuanFa Chen, MingWei Zhao, DunJiang Song, YinJun Song, ChangQing Yan, QiQuan Li, XiaoFang Sun, LiLi Zhang, YongZhong Tian, Wei Wang, YingAn Wang, ShengNan Ma, HongSheng Huang, YiMin Lu, Qing Wang, ChenLiang Wang, YuZhu Wang, Ming Lu, Wei Zhou, Yi Liu, XiaoZhe Yin, Zong Wang, ZhengYi Bao, MiaoMiao Zhao, YaPeng Zhao, YiMeng Jiao, Ufra Naseer, Bin Fan, SaiBo Li, Yang Yang, John P. Wilson. 2020. A fundamental theorem for eco-environmental surface modelling and its applications. Science China-Earth Sciences 63(8): 1092-1112.
  6. TianXiang Yue, Na Zhao, ZeMeng Fan, Jing Li, ChuanFa Chen, YiMin Lu, ChenLiang Wang, Jing Gao, Bing Xu, John Wilson. 2019. Methods for simulating climate scenarios with improved spatiotemporal specificity and less uncertainty. Global and Planetary Change 181 (Article 102973): 1-18.
  7. TianXiang Yue, YiFu Wang, ZhenPing Du, MingWei Zhao, LiLi Zhang, Na Zhao, Ming Lou, Guy R. Larocqued, John Wilson. 2016. Analyzing the uncertainty of estimating forest carbon stocks in China. Biogeosciences 13: 3991–4004.
  8. TianXiang Yue, Yu Liu, MingWei Zhao, ZhenPing Du, Na Zhao. 2016. A fundamental theorem of Earth’s surface modelling. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(9): article 751 (pages 1 -12).
  9. TianXiang Yue, Na Zhao, ZeMeng Fan, Jing Li, ChuanFa Chen, YiMin Lu, ChenLiang Wang, Bing Xu, John Wilson. 2016. CMIP5 Downscaling and Its Uncertainty in China. Global and Planetary Change 146: 30-37.
  10. TianXiang Yue, LiLi Zhang, MingWei Zhao, YiFu Wang, John P. Wilson. 2016. Space- and ground-based CO2 measurements: A review. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 59 (11): 2089-2097.
  11. TianXiang Yue, Bing Xu, Na Zhao, Chen Cui, Olaf Kolditz. 2015. Environment and Health in China I. Thematic issue of Environmental Earth Sciences 74(8).
  12. TianXiang Yue, LiLi Zhang, Na Zhao, MingWei Zhao, ChuanFa Chen, ZhenPing, DongJiang Song, ZeMeng Fan, WenJiao Shi, ShiHai Wang, ChangQing Yan, QiQuan Li, XiaoFang Sun, Hai Yang, ChenLiang Wang, YiFu Wang, John Wilson, Bing Xu. 2015. A Review of Recent Developments in HASM. Environmental Earth Sciences 74(8): 6541-6549.
  13. TianXiang Yue, MingWei Zhao, XingYing Zhang. 2015. A high-accuracy method for filling voids on remotely sensed XCO2 surfaces and its verification. Journal of Cleaner Production 103: 819-827.
  14. TianXiang Yue, ZhengPing Du, Ming Lu, ZeMeng Fan, ChenLiang Wang, YongZhong Tian, Bing Xu. 2015. Surface modelling of ecosystem responses to climatic change. Ecological Modelling 306: 16–23.
  15. TianXiang Yue, Na Zhao, Douglas Ramsey, ChenLiang Wang, ZeMeng Fan, ChuanFa Chen,YiMin Lu, BaiLian Li. 2013. Climate change trend in China, with improved accuracy. Climatic Change 120: 137-151.
  16. TianXiang Yue, Na Zhao, Hai Yang, YinJun Song, ZhengPing Du, ZeMeng Fan, DunJiang Song. 2013. The multi-grid method of high accuracy surface modelling and its validation. Transactions in GIS 17 (6): 943–952.
  17. TianXiang Yue, ChuanFa Chen, BaiLian Li. 2012. A high accuracy method for filling SRTM voids and its verification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (9): 2815-2830
  18. TianXiang Yue, ZeMeng Fan, ChuanFa Chen, XiaoFang Sun, BaiLian Li. 2011. Surface modelling of global terrestrial ecosystems under three climate change scenarios. Ecological Modelling 222: 2342-2361.
  19. TianXiang Yue, Sven Jorgensen, Guy Larocque. 2011. Progress in global ecological modelling. Ecological Modelling 222: 2172-2177.
  20. TianXiang Yue, QiQuan Li. 2010. Relationship between species diversity and ecotope diversity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1195: E40-E51.
  21. TianXiang Yue, DunJiang Song, ZhengPing Du, Wei Wang. 2010. High-accuracy surface modelling and its application to DEM generation. International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (8): 2205-2226.
  22. TianXiang Yue, Qing Wang, YiMing Lu, XiaoPing Xin, HongBing Zhang, ShiXin Wu. 2010. Change trends of food provisions in China. Global and Planetary Change 72 (3): 118-130.
  23. TianXiang Yue, ShiHai Wang. 2010. Adjustment computation of HASM: a high-accuracy and high-speed method. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24 (11): 1725 - 1743.
  24. TianXiang Yue, ChuanFa Chen, BaiLian Li. 2010. An Adaptive Method of High Accuracy Surface Modeling and Its Application to Simulating Elevation Surfaces. Transactions in GIS 14 (5): 615-630.
  25. TianXiang Yue, YongZhong Tian, JiYuan Liu, ZeMeng Fan. 2008. Surface modeling of human carrying capacity of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecological Modelling 214 (2-4): 168-180.
  26. TianXiang Yue, ZhengPing Du, DunJiang Song, Yun Gong. 2007. A new method of surface modeling and its application to DEM construction. Geomorphology 91 (1-2): 161-172.
  27. TianXiang Yue, ZeMeng Fan, JiYuan Liu. 2007. Scenarios of land cover in China. Global and Planetary Change 55 (4): 317-342.
  28. TianXiang Yue, ShengNan Ma, ShiXin Wu, JinYan Zhan. 2007. Comparative analyses of the scaling diversity index and its applicability. International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (7-8): 1611-1623.
  29. TianXiang Yue, Wei Wang, Qiang Yu, ZhiLin Zhu, ShiHuang Zhang, RenHua Zhang, ZhengPing Du. 2007. Simulation of vertical wind profile under neutral conditions. International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (10): 2207-2219.
  30. TianXiang Yue, ZeMeng Fan, JiYuan Liu, BoXin Wei. 2006. Scenarios of major terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecological Modelling 199(3): 363-376.
  31. TianXiang Yue, ZeMeng Fan, JiYuan Liu. 2005. Changes of major terrestrial ecosystems in China since 1960. Global and Planetary Change 48(4): 287-302.
  32. TianXiang Yue, JiYuan Liu, SiQing Chen, ZhengQing Li, ShengNan Ma, YongZhong Tian, Feng Ge. 2005. Considerable effects of diversity indices and spatial scales on conclusions relating to ecological diversity. Ecological Modelling 188 (2-4): 418-431.
  33. TianXiang Yue, YingAn Wang, JiYuan Liu, ShuPeng Chen, DongSheng Qiu, XiangZheng Deng, MingLiang Liu, YongZhong Tian, BianPing Su. 2005. Surface modelling of human population distribution in China. Ecological Modelling 181 (4): 461-478.
  34. TianXiang Yue, YingAn Wang, JiYuan Liu, ShuPeng Chen, YongZhong Tian, BianPing Su. 2005. SMPD scenarios of spatial distribution of human population in China. Population and Environment 26 (3): 207-228.
  35. TianXiang Yue, Bing Xu, JiYuan Liu. 2004. A patch connectivity index and its change in relation to new wetland at the Yellow River Delta. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(21): 4617-4628.
  36. TianXiang Yue. 2003. Handbook of Mathematical Models for Resources and Environment. Beijing: Science Press (in Chinese).
  37. TianXiang Yue, JiYuan Liu, Sven Erik Jørgensen, QinHua Ye. 2003. Landscape change detection of the newly created wetland in Yellow River Delta. Ecological Modelling 164(1): 21-31.
  38. TianXiang Yue, YingAn Wang, ShuPeng Chen, JiYuan Liu, Dong-Sheng Qiu, Xiang-Zheng Deng, Ming-Liang Liu, Yong-Zhong Tian. 2003. Numerical simulation of population distribution in China. Population and Environment 25(2): 141-163.
  39. TianXiang Yue, ShuPeng Chen, Bing Xu, QingSheng Liu, HuiGuo Li, GaoHuan Liu, QingHua Ye. 2002. A curve-theorem based approach for change detection and its application to Yellow River Delta. International Journal of Remote Sensing 23(11): 2283-2292.
  40. TianXiang Yue, JiYuan Liu, Sven Erik Jørgensen, ZhiQiang Gao, ShiHuang Zhang, XiangZheng Deng. 2001. Changes of Holdridge life zone diversity in all of China over half a century. Ecological Modelling 144(2-3): 153-162.
  41. TianXiang Yue. 2000. Analysis on sustainable growth range of population. Progress in Natural Science 10(8): 631-636.

Selected books in English

  1. TianXiang Yue. 2011. Surface Modelling: High Accuracy and High Speed Methods. New York: CRC Press.
  2. TianXiang Yue, Erik Nixdorf, ChengZi Zhou, Bing Xu, Na Zhao, ZheWen Fan, XiaoLan Huang, Cui Chen, Olaf Kolditz. 2018. Chinese Water Systems vol.3: Poyang Lake Basin. Berlin: Springer.

Selected Awards



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